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Indiana Student Who Committed Suicide Following Ongoing Bullying Lives On With AI Generated Message To Congress


18 June 2024



Student advocacy nonprofit formed following the Uvalde, Texas mass shooting at Robb Elementary School announced Tuesday morning that it will utilize AI technology to send a message to Congress on the escalating bullying crisis in America following the suicide death of Indiana student, Sammy Teusch.

The foundation, who recently launched a bullying investigation into the suicide death of the Indiana student & renamed their national bullying prevention program after the 10 year old, announced Tuesday morning that an online anti bullying petition directed to Congress has also now reached over 26,000 signatures, and that among other items, the petition seeks to establish a currently nonexistent definition of bullying within the proposed prevention legislation. Several dozen parents and students from the foundation Indiana chapter are also slated to protest lack of attention to the students cause at the Indiana school July 1st 2024. petition:


Foundation national director, Daniel Chapin noted in the release that the idea to honor the young students life and now legacy through the AI Generated voice messaging outreach to Congress is in addition to the ongoing petition seeking aggressive Congressional action to curb bullying nationwide.

The release noted that recently, following the Uvalde shooting, parents of half a dozen victims of gun violence used similar artificial intelligence (AI) to recreate their children’s voices in calls to Congress, urging lawmakers to change the country’s gun laws as part of a new campaign launched on the sixth anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., shooting.


Chapin noted in the release, the same technology & focus, using the late Indiana students voice will have an equal, powerful effect on the daunting fight against bullying and related student suicide:

"Sammy will live on through this powerful outreach. And his voice will be heard loud and clear until action is taken by Congress and the school system who failed him and continue to fail students nationwide."

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