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Uvalde Foundation For Kids Founder Puts A Halt To STOPNOW Patrols At Huguenot High School - Virginia


Thursday, August 10th 2023

The Uvalde Foundation For Kids (National)

In a late release, Thursday evening, The Uvalde Foundation For Kids announced that it is temporarily halting its plans for STOPNOW Patrol teams for the Huguenot High School community In Richmond, Virginia. The Uvalde Foundation For Kids Founder, Daniel Chapin, released a statement on the move stating,

"In the interest of allowing for a smooth transition back to school for students, faculty & the Huguenot High school community, free of unnecessary distractions, and in the hopes of engaging in more balanced and clear communications with school, district & law enforcement officials; prior to any solidified plans progressing; I have directed our patrol teams to halt developments at the present time in Richmond, Virginia.

Our Foundation does not seek to add to the communities concerns. While our stance on permission requirements by RPS for our patrols remains in contention; along with our concerns for implementing these type of patrols & the importance of them for the Huguenot High School community; the opening of an already sensitive start to a new school year, is not the time for conflict or egos; when in reality our foundation asserts we are all seeking the same directive - - students welfare."

The Uvalde Foundation For Kids STOP NOW Patrols will be planning a smoother transition into the community we seek to serve in the near future.

"Hence, rest assured if 30 team volunteers, many who will be parents and community members from your school community, wish to stand across the street from Huguenot High School & do their part to encourage and ensure the safety of their kids, the foundation will applaud and empower them. Our foundation will step aside and let the school and board tell them to leave.... Until that day our work continues."

GROUP PLANNING PATROLS SAY, 'No Permission Necessary To Protect Students:


While the foundation will be halting STOPNOW Team plans temporarily at Huguenot High School, the foundation will be continuing with our independent review of the Huguenot High School graduation incident and school safety overall. Our independent review will be a 12 week process and will involve interviews, which we have already begun; with students, staff and parents who have already expressed some concerns of which we will not and cannot ignore.


Our investigations involve a public records request on the incident brief, a historical review of school safety incidents and policy application, etc. Findings will be presented to both the board, RPS, and the State.

The Uvalde Foundation For Kids

254 493 3625 OR 888 685 8464 (1 Sept)



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